버질아메리카 창간 9주년 기념 초대전

“Live” – Ju-ree Lee
Intended human body’s expression through the unaffected gestures show the way we were born. There are no gender role and no social role when we remove the reality, in which we become the origins of the birth and find the true identities. The meaningless act in life makes us lose our humanity and personality. We lost our face, and we live with the same face, the same emotion, and the same thought. As one of the crown, we just follow the policy that we do not know where it comes from.
Since we were born, we confuse the meaning of lives and come into conflict because of the gap between our ideal life and reality. We behavior without consciousness and scream with shameless.
We look forward to something to be comforted long time. Even though the vain hope makes us down again, we never stop struggling to achieve it. A devout hope at the edge of despair is the reason that we live now. Take our faces back and show them to the void.









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