Vergil America Invitational Exhibition
Jong-im Baek
Apr. 23th ~30nd 2016
Reception Apr.23th 2:00~6:00pm
SUN Gallery
4016 W Olympic Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90019
Tel: (213) 210-8465
As one of the representative women painters rapidly emerging in the Korean painting circles, Jong-im Baek can be defined as a painter who displays a superb capability in the realistic expression style, and based on her elaborate power of description, she has spread a lyrical and amiable world of art works on various landscapes. Especially, her second exhibition in America after the first one last year will be an unusual chance to see how she has displayed her ability of painting so far, and it will be greatly helpful in understanding the characteristics of her works.
As an artist who received the grand prize from Korea Grand Art Exhibition, which is the open art competition representing the Korean painting circles, she has successfully built her career with outstanding awards, while strengthening her own world of paintings. While even serving as the chairman or a member of the awarding committee for national open art contests including Korea Grand Art Exhibition, she held her private exhibition 31 times, which makes her newly attract lots of attention from the Korean figurative art circles. As seen in her main works in this exhibition, such as ‘Hwaeom Black Apricot Flower’, ‘Rose of Sharon’ and ‘Cosmos’, she calmly painted the existence and image of objects through a very realistic and delicate expression technique. Particularly, she is well-known as a realistic painter since she even climbed Daecheonbong Peak of Mt. Seorak 15 times and Dinosaur Ridge 5 times to seize the vitality and reality of nature.
Written by Yeong-joon Jang
(A Former Director of Deoksugung Art Museum in
National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art)
백종임작가는 최근 우리 화단에 급부상하고 있는 대표적 여류작가 중 한사람으로 사실적 표현형식에 탁월한 역량을 보여주고 있는 작가라고 말할 수 있는데 그동안 치밀한 묘사력을 바탕으로 다양한 풍경을 소재로 한 서정적이고 정감 넘치는 작품세계를 펼쳐왔다. 특히 작년부터 연이어 기획되고 있는 작가의 미국전시는 그의 지금까지의 화력을 살펴볼 수 있는 흔치 않는 기회로 최근 변화가 감지되고 있는 그의 작품의 특성을 이해하는데 큰 도움이 될 것으로 보인다. 한국화단을 대표하는 공모전인 대한민국미술대전에서 대상을 수상하는 등 작가로서 최고의 수상경력을 쌓으면서 자신만의 화업세계를 공고히 해온 작가는 대한민국미술대전을 비롯한 전국의 주요공모전에서 심사위원장이나 심사위원으로 활동하면서 개인전만 31회를 갖는 등 한국 구상미술계에서 새롭게 주목받고 있다. <화엄 흑매> <무궁화> < 코스모스> 등 이번 전시의 주요 출품작에서 알 수 있듯이 매우 사실적이고 섬세한 표현기법을 이용하여 사물의 존재감과 이미지를 담담하게 화면에 그려내고 있는 작가는 자연의 생명력과 리얼리티를 포착해 내기위해 설악산 대청봉만 열다섯 번, 공룡능선을 다섯 번이나 등반하는 등 치열한 현장 사생의 작가로도 잘 알려져 있다.
글 : 장영준 (전 국립현대미술관 덕수궁미술관장)
Master of Fine Arts. – Hongik University Graduate School
Solo Exhibition 31 times
– Gallery Sun(Los Angeles. CA), Wee Fine Art Gallery(Scottsdale.AZ)
– The Chosun Ilbo Gallery, Seoul Museum, Seoul Art Center
– Ilsan Prime Gallery, Lamer Gallery, Gallery Soo
– Seoul Art Center MIAF, Seoul Art Center Hangaram Art Museum, etc.
– Grand Priz Winner Invitation Exhibition (Korea Art Gallery)
– Seoul Art Basel Exhibition (Swiss Basel City M54, Liestal Hanro Areal)
– Comtemporary Art Exhibition (798 Art Zone, Beijing China)
– Korea-Turkey International Contemporary Art Exhibition
(National Museum of Contemporary Art, Ankara, Turkey)
– Turkey-Korea Art Expo (Istanbul City Art Gallery, Turkey)
– Grand Art Exhibition of Korea Award Winners in
Representational Painting Invitation Exhibition (Seoul Museum)
– KOA Art Gallery (USA Hawaii), Korea-Hungary Modern Art Festa
– Mokwoo International Art Fair (MIAF)
– The 2nd Seoul Modern Art Festa (SMAF)
– Seoul Art Center-LA Ave. Gallery
– Gallery Park Avenue(LA), Gallery Sun(LA),
– Wee Fine Art Gallery(Scottsdale, AZ)
– Whittier Art Gallery(LA), Gallery Mikwang
– Embassy of Republic of Korea in Malaysia Exhibit Hall
– Korea-Japan Modern Painting Status Exhibition
– Japan Kyoto Art Gallery and many more
– The National Assembly Building (National Assembly Secretariat)
The National Museum of Contemporary Art in Turkey .
City Hall of Yongin / Chung Nam Police Agency / Seoul Museum of Art
– Member of the Steering Committee, National Disabled Youth Art Exhibition and many more
– Member of Korean Fine Arts Association
– Member of Steering Committee, Republic of Korea Exhibition Association
– Member of Korean Mokwoohoe Fine Arts Association
– Invited Artist, Korean Fine Arts Association, Chairperson, Female Writer Special Commission
– Head of the General Affairs Subcommittee, Korea Fine Arts Festival
– Invited Artist, Korea Contemporary Women Fine Arts Association
– Invited Artist, Bohoon Art Association, Invited Artist, Environmental Art Association
– Member of the Central Steering Committee And Director, Bohoon Art Association
홍익대학교 미술대학원
개인전 32회 단체전 및 기획 초대전 다수 출품
수상 : 대한민국미술대전대상. 목우회(MIAF)국제구상미술제대상
한 · 터키국제현대미술전 그랑프리상, SWAF 최우수작가상
여성미술대전종합대상(국회의장상), 회화대전우수상
경력 : 대한민국미술대전 심사위원 외 다수
현재 : 한국미술협회, 한국미협 여성작가 특별위원장
대한민국미술대전 초대작가, 목우회회원,
대한민국회화제 총무분과위원장. 대한민국국전작가회 운영위원,
한국청소년미술협회 이사 및 청소년분과위원장
국가보은문화예술협회 이사 및 운영위원회 부위원장
소장 : 국회의사당, 터키 국립현대미술관
서울시립미술관, 충남경찰청, 용인시청