![Beyond another Country (40”x40”) Mixed Media](https://vergilamerica.com-content/uploads/2015/10/Beyond-another-Country-40”x40”-Mixed-Media1.jpg)
2015 Vergil America 10th Anniversary Invitational Exhibition
Jessica Jang’s Exhibition
Jessica Jang 초대전
October. 21st ~ 30th. 2015
Wee Gallery
7010 E. Main St. Scottsdale, AZ 85251
![Dreaming Tree (36”x36”) Acrylic on Canvas](https://vergilamerica.com-content/uploads/2015/10/Dreaming-Tree-36”x36”-Acrylic-on-Canvas1.jpg)
The Vital Force of Jessica Jang
Written by Kang, Hwasaan (Artist, the Editor in Chief of Vergil America)
“Where are we from? Who are we? Where do we go? Before dying, I put my all energy on this painting. It was a terrible situation but the passion was painfully intense and the illusion was so clear enough not to be fixed at all that the haste disappeared before I know and the strong vital force washed over me.” This was the title of Paul Gauguin in 1897 through 1989, and in his mind when he painted his artworks.
The artwork of Jessica Jang is like the Gauguin’s once- removed shapes. The direction of brush, a riot of color, and speed are covered on the canvas. The energy, which is expressed as the brush goes, like the artist herself, has the free-spirit, is aware of the change and movement of the great nature. “I really want to be a dreaming freeman, to be a painter seeking after truth to find out the essence of life. I really want to be a painting player who seriously thinks with colors and shapes, who is ready to go any difficult way, and a dancer who enjoys my life time fully,” she wrote in her note. Jessica Jang faces the canvas head and ears and is totally absorbed in her work with the mind that she becomes a part of the object like a shaman entered by a spirit.
With the intersection of the cold and warm color, the four seasons were filled on the canvas. And the sky, sea and forest cast their shadow like the fog on the land. Though the passion, which is praying for her to commune with nature and the universe, and the integration of the aspiration grow on the canvas filled compactly, the fever, which is swept away like a typhoon, is enough for viewers to feel catharsis. However, the repetition of this taste needs a little control to repeat the emotional pleasure. It is because the real freedom is realized in the restriction of time such as restraint, self-defense, or life. To borrow from the Bible, “it is the freedom in God.” Nevertheless, it is pleasant that her effort to approach unconventionality and the essence of existence resembles the vital force, which Gauguin felt through passion of pain.
제시카 장의 생명력
글/강화산(화가. 버질아메리카 주간)
“우리는 어디서 왔는가? 우리는 무엇인가? 우리는 어디로 갔는가? 죽기전에 나는 이 그림에 온 기운을 쏟아 부었다. 끔직한 상황이었지만 열정은 고통스러울 정도로 격렬했고 환상은 고칠 것 하나 없이 너무나도 또렷해서 어느덧 조급함은 사라지고 강렬한 생명력이 밀려들었다.” 고갱의 1897~1898년에 그린 작품명제이고 그가 이 그림을 그릴 때의 마음이다.
제시카 장의 작품은 고갱의 작품에서 형상을 제거해버린 듯하다. 붓질의 방향, 색채의 난무함과 속도만이 화폭을 뒤덮고 있다. 작가 스스로 자유로운 영혼을 가진 듯 붓 가는 대로 무엇인가에 이끌려 자신도 모르게 표현한 기운생동 하는 대자연의 변화와 움직임을 감지케 한다. “나는 꿈꾸는 자유인이기를 간절히 원하며, 본질을 알고자 애타하는 ‘구도의 환쟁이’이고 싶고, 색과 형태로 사고해야 한다는 그 고단한 길도 기꺼이 마다하지 않는 진지하게 그림 그리는 놀이꾼, 내 사는 시간에 흐드러진 춤꾼이고 싶다.”라고 작가노트에 기록했듯이 제시카 장은 온몸으로 화폭과 대면하고 혼신을 다해 몰두하는 다시 말해 무당이 접신하듯 대상과 하나 되려는 마음으로 작업에빠진다.
색채는 가림 없이 한색과 난색의 교차로 사계를 한 화면에 채워 넣고 있으며 그 드리움이 대지에 피어난 안개처럼 하늘과 바다와 숲을 이룬다. 그러한 자연과 우주와의 교감을 염원하는 열정과 열망의 집약이 빈틈없이 일궈진 캔버스에 과하게 오르기도 하지만, 휩쓸고 간 태풍과도 같은 열기는 보는 이로 하여금 카타르시스적인 느낌을 갖기에 충분하다. 하지만 이러한 맛의 반복이 감성적인 즐거움으로 반복되는 것에는 약간의 억제가 필요하다. 왜냐하면 진정으로 자유함은 구속이나 자기방어 혹은 삶이라는 시간의 제약 속에서 이루어지기 때문이다. 성경을 빌리자면 하나님의 품 안에서의 자유로움이랄까… 그럼에도 불구하고 그 자유로움과 존재의 본질에 다가서려는 몸부림은 고갱이 느꼈던 고통의 열정을 통해 드러내고자 했던 생명력과 닮아있어 기쁘다.
![Stalking Flower (30”x40”) Mixed Media](https://vergilamerica.com-content/uploads/2015/10/Stalking-Flower-30”x40”-Mixed-Media1.jpg)
![Still Life (36”x48”) Oil on Canvas](https://vergilamerica.com-content/uploads/2015/10/Still-Life-36”x48”-Oil-on-Canvas.jpg)
![Dreaming Tree (20”x 60”) Mixed Media](https://vergilamerica.com-content/uploads/2015/10/Dreaming-Tree-20”x-60”-Mixed-Media1.jpg)
![Desert Canyon (24”x12”) Mixed Media](https://vergilamerica.com-content/uploads/2015/10/Desert-Canyon-24”x12”-Mixed-Media1.jpg)
![Purple Canyon (36”x24”) Mixed Media](https://vergilamerica.com-content/uploads/2015/10/Purple-Canyon-36”x24”-Mixed-Media1.jpg)
![Scene (24”x24”) Acrylic on Canvas](https://vergilamerica.com-content/uploads/2015/10/Scene-24”x24”-Acrylic-on-Canvas1.jpg)
![Dreaming Woman (24”x36”) Mixed Media](https://vergilamerica.com-content/uploads/2015/10/Dreaming-Woman-24”x36”-Mixed-Media1.jpg)
Jessica Jang’s Biography
1st. Solo Exhibition 2011 at Whittier Gallery, LA, CA
2nd. Solo Exhibition 2012 at Carlsbad, San Diego, CA
3nd. Solo Exhibition 2013 at Fallbrook, San Diego, CA
4th. Solo Exhibition 2015 at Wee Gallery, Scott dale, AZ
2012 Established the First California Korean Woman
Artists Exhibition for pertinent public service YWCA
2010~15 OKAA Exhibition
2013 Juried Biennial at William D. Cannon Art, San Diego
2013 Chicago Exchange Art Exhibition at KCC Gallery IL, U.S.A.
2013 Juried For the “20Artists you should know” section of
The Fall 2013 issue Laguna Beach ART Magazine
Published The Spring 2014 issue Laguna Beach Art Magazine
2014 Blowing Flags in San Bernardino, CA
2015 Original Senses Drawing Exhibition, at KCC G. IL, USA
2014~15 Mission Federal Art walk on April
at Little Italy in San Diego
2014~15 Laguna Beach Summer Art Festival (Art -A- Fair), CA
Numerous Group Exhibitions
Whittier Art Association, LA
COAL Art Gallery Association, San Diego
CWAA Exhibition Member, CA
OKAA Member (Orange County Korean Artist Association)
AAF Member (Laguna Summer Art Festival)
President of OKAA (Orange County Korean Artist Association)
Director of Exhibition independent freelancer
Contact to
Web: jessi-jessicajang.blogspot.com
Email: jessicajang5ln@gmail.com
Phone: (714)785-2995ul, Korea
Mobile: +82.10.2747.9227